25th of April, 2008
Mark the day that my new blog is alive
Back ache, tired and exhausted from all the tiredness of homework and sleepless night
Holiday is here, finally....I can relax and catch up with things that I have left behind in hometown
Ah...it's been two years since I study here...
The ups and down of everyday makes my life more beautiful
Long has time gone, long have I forgotten about time
Memory and pictures are all that was left of the past, disconnected by my studies
Long have I wanted a holiday, long have I waited for this day
Like a bear I'm hibernating my self from assignments and homework for 5months the least
The sweet smell of freedom is here again, I can feel it
Imagining that I'm standing in front of my blog, seeing it was ready to type
Cut the red ribbon and welcome everyone for the first time
Pour champagne and enjoy the sweet taste of liquor........
Welcome readers to my new blog, stay for awhile and come back for me, for this is just the beginning....