Living life without a purpose.
Living such life is risky, cause you never know where you stand and thus you'll get tired and not know where are your goals. Is like living life the easy way, what ever comes, comes whatever goes, goes. Easily blown by the wind that we nor anyone on earth could predict.
You live, but without a purpose, and I think thats sad. Is like God gave you a life, but you know not what to do with it. Without purpose you only do what you think is right, for the moment, and in the end, whats next?
We have to root our goals and purpose on a strong foundation, something that is worth living for. Thats whats life is all about. Commitment and responsibility, inspiring others while you are inspired by others. Giving hope and strength while you draw hope and strength from others.
Life is beautiful, even when is not. Only if you know how to live it, otherwise, we are no different from the hollowness of this world.
I want to be like those people who give hope and inspiration to other people, it doesn't matter on what matters, all that matters is my life, my words, my action give them another day to live, another day to go on, another day to grow and another day to fight.
My life may seems very insignificant now, but thats my goal, before I die, this is what I wanna do, and I know I'll achieve it someday, as long as I stick close to God and do the will of the Father.