Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Got Smile? Part II

Bryan!!! It hurts!! It hurts!!! I dunno why yours doesn't but mine hurts!!
Yesterday I went to the dentist for my VERY 1st appointment.
First the doc uses some kind of clay like flour thingy to put into my mouth, both upper and lower so that they could cast out the mold of my teeth.
I almost puke, cause its disgusting!! It feels like someone shaft in some tasteless dough into my mouth.
The doc told me to relax, so I did...
Later the doctor did scaling(clean my teeth with canggih dental tool) for me. Well that was ok.
After that he put in some rubber stuff in between my wisdom tooth.
It seems like he uses full force to put it in. That seems ok too...
The nurses told me that I can eat solid, and if the rubbery thingy drop of I have to come back to put it back in, and the pain will only kick in the evening. If its too pain, take painkillers.
So I taught to myself, how pain could it be??

Later that evening.....
The pain really started to kick in, but its bearable.
So I taught of eating some bread instead of rice, cause bread is softer.
So I bought some bread to eat. I took a bite, AND IT HURTS!!!! Ouch!!!!!
I have to nibble the bread, using my front teeth to chew, like a herbivore....so sad!!
I couldn't enjoy my precious bread.....I love bread!! Reluctantly, I gave the rest of it to my brother..... T.T
So my mum made porridge for me.....T.T
I literally have to swallow my porridge....instead of eating it I'm drinking it....sad, sad, sad

Today is the second day, and the pain isn't that bad anymore, but I still can't chew, I have to "drink" porridge still....
My mum told me that my cousin couldn't even talk, it took 3days for him to recover from it.
So today is the second, I hope tomorrow the pain will be minimal...
My bro said that every time I go back to the dentist, I have to suffer 3days of pain....WHY??!!!

I know some of you think I'm such a sissy, but imagine this! The rubbery thing is about 1mm thick, and the gap between your tooth is what?? Less then 0.5mm!!!!! So you said pain or not??

How long is the suffering gonna be?? How long!! All my food, my lovely, precious, yummy food!!! When can I eat you??!!! Its been 2days(including today) since I had a solid food!!! *Sob sob sob*

Don't they look tasty??
Darn now I'm hungry..... -.-"


動 Orson said...

even u eat apple also need to cut it in slices..haa...

anna said...

you din mention that he put SIX rubber thingys

MaximumJon said...

默 : -.-" I can't even eat apple....

Anna: Aiya no need so detail la, malas....but doesn't all the food look yummy? I feel like as if for a few months i didn't have a solid food d... T.T

Anonymous said...

walauwei...my name....so front...err...
hahaha...hurts heh....was bein sarcastic la....dunno meh...i belive i am...ull get use to it.
it'll be troublesome if u got to user rubberbands..durin ur time, i did. that really sucks.
no hard food, chewy sticky food right? its very sad.
haha enjoy la....doesnt last forever.
oh ya the paste does taste horrible. i belive mine was "strawberry"?
he insert rubber stuff so he can put a metal round cap thing around the teeth later...eg a anchor for all the wires... :D

MaximumJon said...

sounds painful....

Ashley said...

poor little monkey..

at least u got the chance to slim now. u're definitely getting fatter my friend!! haha!!

i shall tempt you by eat mc'd in front of you. :p

MaximumJon said...

haha, you can try.

Allan said...

haha... wei not good tau makan fast food. nanti pergi hospital lagi fast.... muahahahah

Anonymous said...

hahaha teman me....

MaximumJon said...

wah, you read all my post ke eunice?? haha...kk can teman you.