No not the one that sell in pasar malam.
Well these cupcakes are made of butter(I think its butter la cause it taste like one) cake as the base, and icing, REALLY REALLY COOL icing on the top!!
Get it?
Well, maybe not all of you get it...
I have a friend who can make really really yummy cupcakes, and she is none other, Jamie!!
As I was surfing the net just a moment ago, I found out that there is a cupcake store somewhere in kl!!!
Ok, ok, I know you Malacca people are going to say "Che, in kl only got, why everything is in kl wan? Ah malas wanna read la....after all not say can eat", but wait wait wait wait wait, ok, if I ever happen to find the shop, or if there's any request(if i'm back in kl that is) to buy it, I'll buy it for you guys and bring it back to Malacca, ok? Provided IF I'm coming back to Malacca la....(Sorry its the best I can do) =D
See I so kind....(It's my blog, I can say whatever I want!! Nyahaha :þ)
Ok so here are some pics that I found!!!
Well, according to the address on the blog it says its at Damansara Uptown? SS21? Where?
Why I never see get wan? Anyone wanna help me out?
Anyway, I'll go cupcake hunting when I'm back in kl....hehe
PS: Pictures are taken from cuppacakes, I "pinjam promote" their picture from flickr. So please don't take their picture from my blog ya. Cause ITS ILLEGAL!!
Why I never see get wan? Anyone wanna help me out?
Anyway, I'll go cupcake hunting when I'm back in kl....hehe
PS: Pictures are taken from cuppacakes, I "pinjam promote" their picture from flickr. So please don't take their picture from my blog ya. Cause ITS ILLEGAL!!
hey cupcake
LOL. now only you find out abt +wondermilk. i tot you the food monster is one of their most frequent patrons. haha.
can, can. i want to oRder from you, who orders from them. :D
haha, ya i now only know about near yet so only i found out...hai sad case la me...hehe.....see when i'm going up i go buy for you la..^-^
Damansara Uptown??? Man!!! That's sooooo near to my place but I didn't know!
What a shame. LOL.
Come come...Kakak bring u go to Damansara Uptown but cupcakes on u can? XD
wah lau.. we passed by it so many times le -_-
Yian: kakak? why make your self sound so old?? hahaha...
can i can buy, but i won't share!! :þ
Anna: ahaha....i don't even know i pass by it....other wise, my stomach will be fill with cupcakes by now...hehe
walao!!! who is the girl behind of cupcakes?!! let's go back together!! XD
-.-" swt swt swt.....
JON!!!where is that place???!!!i want !!!all of them!!!!wahaha~
its at uptown somewhere there la....u go find, found get let me know ya!!
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